This doc contains low-level advice on SQL patterns that will help avoid errors and make queries more performant.

General Syntax

Our primary target is Amazon Athena, which is based off of Trino; Searching for topics on either of these DBs is a good way to debug syntax issues not mentioned the scope of this document. The Trino functions reference is particularly useful.

We use DuckDB for our unit tests, and it could be used as a datastore locally if desired. If there is a difference between DuckDb and Athena/Trino, we patch DuckDB with a user defined function. You can see some examples of this in the DuckDB DatabaseBackend. Hopefully you will not have to do this. If you do, we are probably interested in supporting it, so please reach out and let us know.


FHIR dates/times come across the wires as ISO 8061-formatted strings. To get them into actual timestamps, use the from_is08061_timestamp function as part of your query, and CASE to either date or timestamp.If you want to get a specific portion of a date, like a month or year, use the date_trunc function. An example use case:

        date(from_iso8601_timestamp( AS doc_date,
        date_trunc('month', date(from_iso8601_timestamp(dr."context"."period"."start")))
            AS author_month,
    FROM documentreference AS dr


For 90% of use cases, avoid array handling entirely! The core study exists to shield you from this. This is only relevant if you’re doing something that is fussy, or if you have a reason to work from raw FHIR objects in the database.

FHIR objects are deeply nested, and usually we want to unpack these values to get them into 2D tables. The ETL has done a lot of work already to make this safe for you, but it’s not perfect - we need the database to have a complete schema for a nested object, and the ETL will fill this out for two levels of depth, but there’s some cases where we just can’t guess how deep of a schema we need to prepopulate (extension can recurse indefinetely). In cases where we do go deep, the ETL will try to infer the schema from the data. This can cause headaches if someone else tries to run your study, since they may have different data.

So - if you’re going deep into the data model, you may want to check information_schema.columns for the field in question, and verify that the field actually exists, before doing any additional query. This also means that generally for raw FHIR traversal, you should use the TableBuilder pattern so you have access to boolean logic.

There is good documentation for querying arrays in athena, but the following functions are particularly useful:

  • unnest will break out an array into a table, where keys are the column names and the rows are the values in arrays
  • array_sort does exactly what you’d think - provides the contents of a list in alpha sorted order
  • array_join lets you convert arrays into a string, joined by the delimiter of your choice
  • array_agg lets you concatenate together arrays. This can be very slow, so use with caution


Cubing tables before export is central to our strategy for masking PII. We provide a count builder specifically to manage the details of this for you, but you can implement this yourself if you prefer using the cube operator.

Importantly - make sure the table(s) you’re using for your cube do not contain explicit null values, since these are indistinguishable from the nulls created when cubing outputs. Instead, coalesce fields to some static value, like ‘None’, if required. Note that we use the string cumulus__none as a way to say ‘this is a null value distinct from a powerset null’, and the dashboard will handle this gracefully during rendering.


There are several best practices outlined in the Athena performance docs that you can use to try and improve query performance, but we’ll call out several patterns here that we have found useful for improving performance in our specific use case.

Split complex queries out into simpler chained subqueries

Athena (and most other large database systems) use a hive-style map-reduce algorithm to run queries across several nodes to improve throughput. If the query analysis can’t identify a good way to farm out a query, it will run that query on a single node, which can take significantly longer

It is significantly faster to chain together simpler subqueries. In one example, using a NOT IN clause to compare the contents of a column to a list of ~300 words, the complex query took over an hour, while chaining 300 subqueries together with a UNION clause took around 40 seconds, so its worth really leaning in to atomization (or writing templates that will create more atomic queries, more on that below) if you start seeing long run times. Try to limit number of joins, array operations, and aggregation inside a single query.

Limit group by/order by usage

The group by/limit by operation tends to be confined to a single node for execution, and may interfere with map/reduce spreading, so it’s best to avoid it unless its needed. Consider using these once, and the end of a chain of subqueires, and having it be the only operation performed at this step.

It is generally faster to sort data outside of Athena if possible. This is the approach we use with exporting powersets - we do the sorting as we generate the csv/parquet artifacts.

Join order is important

Due to the mechanism by which Athena computes joins, it is generally faster to join, from left to right, in order of largest to smallest table.

Use views sparingly

Especially when writing queries designed for use at multiple institutions, be judicious with your use of views - as the underlying tables get large, views can become a bottleneck for institutions with large populations (especially state-level health information exchanges). Good candidates for usage of views include static data sets (like coding definition tables), and study tables intended for very small populations by design.

Jinja templating

If you’ve worked with data tools like DBT before, you may already be familiar with Jinja templates as a way of making SQL more dynamic at runtime. If not, learning just a few commands will enable most of the basic functionality you’ll need to conditionally render SQL. We have a collection of generic templates that cover some basic use cases, and several studies have custom jinja templates as well. The base template function handles the loading and populating of these tables at run time (and contains a bunch of convenience functions that demonstrate the proper way to invoke it), so you shouldn’t need to worry about the lower level jinja infrastructure if you reuse this entry point.