Creating SQL with python

Before jumping into this doc, take a look at Creating Studies. If you’re just working with the Core study tables related to the US Core FHIR profiles, you may not be interested in this, or only need to look at the Working with TableBuilders and the Generating count tables sections.

Why would I even need to think about this?

There are three main reasons why you would need to use Python to generate SQL:

  • You would like to make use of the helper class we’ve built for ease of creating count tables in a structured manner, or one of the statistics packages we provide for automating common numerical tasks.
  • You have a dataset you’d like to load into a table from a static file, separate from the ETL tables.
  • The gnarly one: you are working against the raw FHIR resource tables, and are trying to access nested data in Athena.
    • This is gnarly because while the ETL provides a full SQL schema for your own data, it does not guarantee a schema for data that you don’t have at your site. And if you want your study to run at multiple sites with different EHRs, you need to be careful when accessing deep FHIR fields. For example, your EHR might populate Condition.evidence.code and you can safely write SQL that uses it. But a different site’s EHR may not provide that field at all, and thus that column may not be defined in the SQL table schema at that other site.

You’ll see examples of all three cases in this guide.


There are two main bits of infrastructure we use for programmatic tables: The TableBuilder class, and the collection of template SQL.

If you include a table builder in your study, and you want to see what the query being executed looks like, you can use the generate-sql command in the Cumulus library CLI to write out example queries. They will go into a folder inside your study called reference_sql.

To document your study strucuture, you can use the generate-md command to create markdown tables you can copy into your study docs. Note that, as of this writing, you’ll need to supply a description for each field by hand. This output will be generated inside your study, in a file named {study name}

Working with TableBuilders

We have a base TableBuilder class that all the above use cases leverage. At a high level, here’s what it provides:

  • A prepare_queries function, which is where you put your custom logic. It should create an array of queries in self.queries. The CLI will pass in a cursor object and database/schema name, so if you need to interrogate the dataset to decide how to structure your queries, you can.
  • An execute_queries function, which will run prepare_queries and then apply those queries to the database. You shouldn’t need to touch this function - just be aware this is how your queries actually get run.
  • A write_queries function, which will write your queries from prepare_function to disk. If you are creating multiple queries in one go, calling comment_queries before write_queries will insert some spacing elements for readability.
  • A display_text string, which is what will be shown with a progress bar when your queries are being executed.

You can either extend this class directly (like builder_*.py files in cumulus_library/studies/core) or create a specific class to add reusable functions for a repeated use case (like in cumulus_library/statistics/

TableBuilder SQL generally should go through a template SQL generator, so that your SQL has been validated. If you’re just working on counts, you don’t need to worry about this detail, but otherwise, the following section talks about our templating mechanism.

Working with template SQL

If you are only worried about building counts tables, skip this section - we’ve got enough wrappers that you shouldn’t need to worry about this level of detail.

For validating SQL, we are using Jinja templates to create validated SQL in a repeatable manner. We don’t expect you to write these templates - instead, using the template function library you can provide arguments to these templates that will allow you to generate standard types of SQL tables, as well as using templates targeted for bespoke operations. But you can write study specific templates if you have a complex use case. The Core study has study specific templates to generate flat tables from nested FHIR tables, as an example.

When you’re thinking about a query that you’d need to create, first check the template function library to see if something already exists. Basic creation and inspection queries should be covered, as well as unnestings for some common FHIR objects.

Use cases

Generating counts tables

A thing we do over and over as part of studies is generate powerset counts tables against a filtered resource to get data about a certain kind of clinical population. Since this is so common we created a class just for this, and we’re using it in studies the Cumulus team is directly authoring.

The CountsBuilder class provides a number of convenience methods that are available for use (this covers mechanics of generation). You can see examples of usage in the Core counts builder (which is where the business logic of your study lives).

  • get_table_name will scan the study’s manifest.toml and auto prepend a table name with whatever the study prefix is.
  • get_where_clauses will format a string, or an array, of where clauses in a manner that the table constructors will expect.
  • count_[condition,document,encounter,observation,patient] will take a target table name, a source table, and an array of columns, and produce the appropriate powerset table to count that resource. You can optionally provide a list of where statements for filtering, or can change the minimum bin size used to include data
  • The count_* functions pass through to get_count_query - if you have a use case we’re not covering, you can use this interface directly. We’d love to hear about it - we’d consider covering it and/or take PRs for new features

Add your count generator file to the counts_builder_config section of your manifest.toml to include it in your build invocations.

Adding a static dataset

Occasionally you will have a dataset from a third party that is useful for working with your dataset.

If you need to do this, you should extend the base TableBuilder class, and your prepare_queries function should do the following, leveraging the template function library:

  • Convert your data to parquet format. The UMLS study provides an example of how to do this using a pandas DataFrame
  • Use the upload_data function from the StudyConfig.db_backend (passed to TableBuilders as config) to push files to the appropriate location for databases Cumulus supports
  • Use the get_ctas_from_parquet_query function from the template library to get a CREATE TABLE AS statement for the appropriate database, and add that to the builder’s queries array.

Add the dataset uploader to the table_builder_config section of your manifest.toml to include it in your build - this will make this data available for downstream queries

Querying nested data

Are you trying to access data from deep within raw FHIR tables? I’m so sorry. Here’s an example of how this can get fussy with code systems:

A FHIR coding element may be an array, or it may be a singleton, or it may be a singleton wrapped an array. It may be fully populated, or partially populated, or completely absent. There may be one code per record, or multiple codes per record, and you may only be interested in a subset of these codes.

This means you may have differing schemas in Athena from one site’s data to another (especially if they come from different EHR systems, where implementation details may differ). In order to handle this, you need to create a standard output representation that accounts for all the different permutations you have, and conform data to match that. The encounter and condition builders both jump through hoops to try and get this data into flat tables for downstream use.

This is a pretty open ended design problem, but based on our experience, your prepare_queries implementation should attempt the following steps:

  • Check if your table has any data at all
  • If it does, inspect the table schema to see if the field you’re interested in is populated with the schema elements you’re expecting
    • If yes, it’s safe to grab them
    • If no, you will need to manually initialize them to an appropriate null value
  • If you are dealing with deeply nested objects, you may need to repeat the above more than once
  • Write a jinja template that handles the conditionally present data, and a template function to invoke that template
  • Test this against data samples from as many different EHR vendors as you can
  • Be prepared to need to update this when you hit a condition you didn’t expect
  • Create a distinct table that has an ID for joining back to the original
  • Perform this join as appropriate to create a table with unnested data

You may find it useful to use the --builder [filename] sub argument of the CLI build command to run just your builder for iteration. The Sample bulk FHIR datasets can provide an additional testbed database above and beyond whatever you produce in house.

Add this builder to the table_builder_config section of your manifest.toml - this will make this data available for downstream queries.

Good luck! If you think you’re dealing with a pretty common case, you can reach out to us on the discussion forum and we may be able to provide an implementation for you, or provide assistance if you’re dealing with a particular edge case.