Core study details The core study aims to provide the following features:
FHIR US Core V4 Profile data - For resources that are supported by Cumulus, we attempt to extract all required/extensible fields from a FHIR dataset, if present Flattened FHIR resources - The core study provided flattened tables from nested FHIR resources, making queries easier to construct without having to worry about the nuances of conditional unnesting against potentially missing data Summary Exports - The core study will provide some basic count data across the entire cohort that you’ve processed via ETL, which can be useful as a verification step for validating the integrity of the data you’re extracting from your EHR system If you are authoring a study, and are focused only on clinical analysis (i.e. you aren’t working on data quality/data governance issues), we strongly recommend you use the core study as the starting point for your own work. See Creating Studies for more information.
Unless otherwise noted, column names correspond to a FHIR path relative to the resource table in question, with resources delineated by underscores. So, ‘category_code’ in the Condition table would correspond to the code element inside of the category element of the Condition resource.
Common exceptions to this rule:
is a Cumulus specific notation for a column that contains counts of resources. age_at_visit
is calculated from a Patient’s birthDate and the of an Encounter postalcode_3
is calculated from a Patient’s address.postalCode The Encounter resource includes several elements from the referenced Patient (gender
, postalcode_3
, and the US Core race and ethnicity extensions) that are commonly used in informatics analysis Fields that contain date values are presented by different rounding methods (day, week, month, year) for convenience for various binning strategies We construct *_ref
fields from a resource’s base id field (i.e creating a Patient/123456
field from an id
of 123456
), to make it easier to join data with reference fields in other resources. The core tables include all FHIR required/must support fields noted in the [FHIR resource profiles( Additionally, there are fields that are useful to informatics analysis that are commonly available from EHRs, but are not guaranteed to be populated, so consult with your research partners if you are authoring a study using some of these data elements.
Completion tracking If not all the resources for a given encounter are loaded into the database yet, that encounter is considered “incomplete” and may be left out of the core tables.
You can see which encounters were ignored as incomplete by examining the core__incomplete_encounters
table which holds the ID of all incomplete encounters.
Usually, you can resolve this by making sure you’ve run the ETL process for each of the following encounter-linked resources:
AllergyIntolerance Condition DiagnosticReport DocumentReference MedicationRequest Observation Procedure Optional fields The core
study includes several fields that are considered optional by US Core. Such fields are not even marked as “Must Support” in US Core and are defined in the base FHIR spec only.
These are included due to their general utility in clinical informatics studies. In practice, we have found that this data is usually present in FHIR exports from EHR systems, but note that it is not guaranteed that a study relying on these fields will work across multiple institutions without some additional work.
Per resource, the optional fields are as follows:
AllergyIntolerance type category criticality encounter recordedDate reaction.substance reaction.severity Condition DiagnosticReport DocumentReference Encounter Observation - laboratory Observation - vital signs encounter valueCodeableConcept interpretation Procedure Deprecation Notice The core__observation
table is currently deprecated, and will be removed in a future version. When possible, use one of the targeted profile tables (labs, vital signs) instead.
core count tables core__count_allergyintolerance_month Column Type Description cnt bigint category varchar recordeddate_month varchar code_display varchar reaction_manifestation_display varchar
core__count_condition_month Column Type Description cnt bigint count category_code varchar Encounter Code (Healthcare Setting) recordeddate_month varchar Month condition recorded code_display varchar Condition code
core__count_diagnosticreport_month Column Type Description cnt bigint Count category_display varchar Service category code_display varchar Code for this diagnostic report issued_month varchar When this version was made
core__count_documentreference_month Column Type Description cnt bigint Count type_display varchar Type of Document (display) author_month varchar Month document was authored class_display varchar Encounter Code (Healthcare Setting)
core__count_encounter_all_types Column Type Description cnt bigint Count class_display varchar Encounter Code (Healthcare Setting) type_display varchar Encounter Type servicetype_display varchar Encounter Service priority_display varchar Encounter Priority
core__count_encounter_all_types_month Column Type Description cnt bigint Count class_display varchar Encounter Code (Healthcare Setting) type_display varchar Encounter Type servicetype_display varchar Encounter Service priority_display varchar Encounter Priority period_start_month varchar Month encounter recorded
core__count_encounter_month Column Type Description cnt bigint Count period_start_month varchar Month encounter recorded class_display varchar Encounter Code (Healthcare Setting age_at_visit varchar Patient Age at Encounter gender varchar Biological sex at birth race_display varchar Patient reported race ethnicity_display varchar Patient reported ethnicity
core__count_encounter_priority_month Column Type Description cnt bigint Count class_display varchar Encounter Code (Healthcare Setting) priority_display varchar Encounter Priority period_start_month varchar Month encounter recorded
core__count_encounter_service_month Column Type Description cnt bigint Count class_display varchar Encounter Code (Healthcare Setting) servicetype_display varchar Encounter Service period_start_month varchar Month encounter recorded
core__count_encounter_type_month Column Type Description cnt bigint class_display varchar type_display varchar period_start_month varchar
core__count_medicationrequest_month Column Type Description cnt bigint Count status varchar Perscribing event state intent varchar Medication order kind authoredon_month varchar Month medication request issued medication_display varchar Medication Name
core__count_observation_lab_month Column Type Description cnt bigint Count effectivedatetime_month varchar Month of lab result observation_code varchar Lab result coding valuecodeableconcept_display varchar Lab result display text class_display varchar Encounter Code (Healthcare Setting)
core__count_patient Column Type Description cnt bigint Count gender varchar Biological sex at birth race_display varchar Patient reported race ethnicity_display varchar Patient reported ethnicity
core__count_procedure_month Column Type Description cnt bigint code_display varchar performeddatetime_month varchar
core base tables core__allergyintolerance Column Type Description id varchar allergyintolerance_ref varchar clinicalstatus_code varchar verificationstatus_code varchar type varchar category varchar criticality varchar code_code varchar code_system varchar code_display varchar patient_ref varchar encounter_ref varchar recordeddate date recordeddate_week date recordeddate_month date recordeddate_year date reaction_row bigint reaction_substance_code varchar reaction_substance_system varchar reaction_substance_display varchar reaction_manifestation_code varchar reaction_manifestation_system varchar reaction_manifestation_display varchar reaction_severity varchar
core__condition Column Type Description id varchar category_code varchar category_system varchar category_display varchar code varchar system varchar code_display varchar subject_ref varchar encounter_ref varchar condition_ref varchar recordeddate date recordeddate_week date recordeddate_month date recordeddate_year date clinicalstatus_code varchar verificationstatus_code varchar
core__condition_codable_concepts_all Column Type Description id varchar code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__condition_codable_concepts_display Column Type Description id varchar code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__condition_dn_category Column Type Description id varchar row bigint code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__condition_dn_clinical_status Column Type Description id varchar code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__condition_dn_verification_status Column Type Description id varchar code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__diagnosticreport Column Type Description id varchar status varchar category_code varchar category_system varchar category_display varchar code_code varchar code_system varchar code_display varchar effectivedatetime_day date effectivedatetime_week date effectivedatetime_month date effectivedatetime_year date effectiveperiod_start_day date effectiveperiod_start_week date effectiveperiod_start_month date effectiveperiod_start_year date effectiveperiod_end_day date effectiveperiod_end_week date effectiveperiod_end_month date effectiveperiod_end_year date issued_day date issued_week date issued_month date issued_year date conclusionCode_code varchar conclusionCode_system varchar conclusionCode_display varchar diagnosticreport_ref varchar subject_ref varchar encounter_ref varchar result_ref varchar
core__diagnosticreport_dn_category Column Type Description id varchar row bigint code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__diagnosticreport_dn_code Column Type Description id varchar code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__diagnosticreport_dn_conclusioncode Column Type Description id varchar row bigint code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__documentreference Column Type Description id varchar status varchar type_code varchar type_system varchar type_display varchar category_code varchar docstatus varchar date date author_day date author_week date author_month date author_year date format_code varchar subject_ref varchar encounter_ref varchar documentreference_ref varchar
core__documentreference_dn_category Column Type Description id varchar row bigint code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
Column Type Description id varchar code varchar system varchar display varchar
core__documentreference_dn_type Column Type Description id varchar code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__ed_note Column Type Description from_system varchar(3) from_code varchar(14) analyte varchar(28) code_system varchar(16) code varchar(7) display varchar(33)
core__encounter Column Type Description id varchar status varchar class_code varchar(6) class_display varchar(21) type_code varchar type_system varchar type_display varchar servicetype_code varchar servicetype_system varchar servicetype_display varchar priority_code varchar priority_system varchar priority_display varchar reasoncode_code varchar reasoncode_system varchar reasoncode_display varchar dischargedisposition_code varchar dischargedisposition_system varchar dischargedisposition_display varchar age_at_visit bigint gender varchar race_display varchar ethnicity_display varchar postalcode_3 varchar period_start_day date period_end_day date period_start_week date period_start_month date period_start_year date subject_ref varchar encounter_ref varchar
core__encounter_dn_dischargedisposition Column Type Description id varchar row bigint code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__encounter_dn_priority Column Type Description id varchar row bigint code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__encounter_dn_reasoncode Column Type Description id varchar row bigint code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__encounter_dn_servicetype Column Type Description id varchar row bigint code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__encounter_dn_type Column Type Description id varchar row bigint code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__fhir_act_encounter_code_v3 Column Type Description code varchar(6) display varchar(21)
core__fhir_mapping_code_system_uri Column Type Description code_system varchar(6) uri varchar(37)
core__fhir_mapping_expected_act_encounter_code_v3 Column Type Description expected varchar(5) found varchar(5)
core__fhir_mapping_resource_uri Column Type Description resource varchar(25) uri varchar(73)
core__incomplete_encounter Column Type Description id varchar
core__lib_transactions Column Type Description study_name varchar library_version varchar status varchar event_time timestamp(3) message varchar
core__medication_dn_code Column Type Description id varchar row bigint code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__medicationrequest Column Type Description id varchar status varchar intent varchar category_code varchar category_system varchar category_display varchar reportedboolean boolean reported_ref varchar subject_ref varchar encounter_ref varchar authoredon date authoredon_month date medication_code varchar medication_system varchar medication_display varchar
core__medicationrequest_dn_category Column Type Description id varchar row bigint code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__medicationrequest_dn_contained_code Column Type Description id varchar row bigint code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean contained_id varchar resource_type varchar
core__medicationrequest_dn_inline_code Column Type Description id varchar code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
Column Type Description min_date date max_date date
Column Type Description data_package_version integer
core__observation Column Type Description id varchar category_code varchar category_system varchar status varchar observation_code varchar observation_system varchar interpretation_code varchar interpretation_system varchar interpretation_display varchar effectivedatetime_day date effectivedatetime_week date effectivedatetime_month date effectivedatetime_year date valuecodeableconcept_code varchar valuecodeableconcept_system varchar valuecodeableconcept_display varchar valuequantity_value double valuequantity_comparator varchar valuequantity_unit varchar valuequantity_system varchar valuequantity_code varchar valuestring varchar dataabsentreason_code varchar dataabsentreason_system varchar dataabsentreason_display varchar subject_ref varchar encounter_ref varchar observation_ref varchar
core__observation_component_code Column Type Description id varchar row bigint code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__observation_component_dataabsentreason Column Type Description id varchar row bigint code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__observation_component_interpretation Column Type Description id varchar row bigint code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__observation_component_valuecodeableconcept Column Type Description id varchar row bigint code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__observation_component_valuequantity Column Type Description id varchar row bigint value double comparator varchar unit varchar system varchar code varchar
core__observation_dn_category Column Type Description id varchar row bigint code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__observation_dn_code Column Type Description id varchar code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__observation_dn_dataabsentreason Column Type Description id varchar row bigint code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__observation_dn_interpretation Column Type Description id varchar row bigint code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__observation_dn_valuecodeableconcept Column Type Description id varchar code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__observation_lab Column Type Description id varchar observation_code varchar observation_system varchar category_code varchar category_system varchar valuecodeableconcept_code varchar valuecodeableconcept_system varchar valuecodeableconcept_display varchar effectivedatetime_day date effectivedatetime_week date effectivedatetime_month date effectivedatetime_year date status varchar subject_ref varchar encounter_ref varchar observation_ref varchar
core__observation_vital_signs Column Type Description id varchar observation_code varchar observation_system varchar category_code varchar category_system varchar valuecodeableconcept_code varchar valuecodeableconcept_system varchar valuecodeableconcept_display varchar valuequantity_value double valuequantity_comparator varchar valuequantity_unit varchar valuequantity_system varchar valuequantity_code varchar status varchar interpretation_code varchar interpretation_system varchar interpretation_display varchar effectivedatetime_day date effectivedatetime_week date effectivedatetime_month date effectivedatetime_year date subject_ref varchar encounter_ref varchar observation_ref varchar
core__patient Column Type Description id varchar gender varchar birthdate date postalcode_3 varchar subject_ref varchar race_display varchar ethnicity_display varchar
core__patient_ext_ethnicity Column Type Description id varchar system varchar ethnicity_code varchar ethnicity_display varchar
core__patient_ext_race Column Type Description id varchar system varchar race_code varchar race_display varchar
core__study_period Column Type Description period_start_day date period_start_week date period_start_month date period_end_day date age_at_visit bigint author_day date author_week date author_month date author_year date gender varchar race_display varchar ethnicity_display varchar subject_ref varchar encounter_ref varchar status varchar documentreference_ref varchar diff_enc_note_days bigint enc_class_code varchar(6) enc_class_display varchar(21) doc_type_code varchar doc_type_display varchar ed_note boolean
core__procedure Column Type Description id varchar status varchar category_code varchar category_system varchar category_display varchar code_code varchar code_system varchar code_display varchar performeddatetime_day date performeddatetime_week date performeddatetime_month date performeddatetime_year date performedperiod_start_day date performedperiod_start_week date performedperiod_start_month date performedperiod_start_year date performedperiod_end_day date performedperiod_end_week date performedperiod_end_month date performedperiod_end_year date procedure_ref varchar subject_ref varchar encounter_ref varchar
core__procedure_dn_category Column Type Description id varchar code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean
core__procedure_dn_code Column Type Description id varchar code varchar system varchar display varchar userselected boolean