How To Manually Review the ETL Output

Your organization may require a manual review of all ETL output before uploading to the AWS cloud.

That can be supported easily enough with a two-step ETL process.

First ETL Step: Generate Human-Readable Files

Follow the normal ETL flow, but:

  • Make sure to pass --output-format=ndjson to cumulus-etl. This will drop all ETL results as NDJSON files in the target folder.
  • Use a local output folder (we don’t want this data in the cloud until we’ve reviewed it)
    • Remember that Docker will require that local folder to be mapped outside its container with something like --volume /outside/path:/inside/path
    • That local output folder must be empty - so follow the full manual review flow for every ETL action (e.g. if you run cumulus-etl init, review it, and convert it, then when you want to run cumulus-etl etl, run it in a fresh folder, review it, and convert it)

Manual Review

These NDJSON files are human-readable (though not entirely pleasant) and/or can be processed with standard JSON tools.

Whatever your organization’s process is, once you are happy with the files, we can upload these files into a Delta Lake in the cloud.

Second ETL Step: Upload Binary Files

We want to convert the local NDJSON folders into binary Delta Lake files in your AWS cloud.

Thankfully, there’s a special convert command for that:

docker compose run --rm \
  --volume /path/to/ndjson:/host \
  cumulus-etl convert \
  --s3-region=us-east-2 \
  /host \

This will copy over the job logs in the JobConfig file too.

For help on any other flags or options, pass --help.