Running Cumulus ETL Against Your New AWS Infrastructure

You may have earlier run Cumulus ETL locally against some sample data. Now let’s look at a more production-oriented setup in AWS.

This guide will explain how to install and run Cumulus ETL inside your institution’s infrastructure. It assumes you are familiar with the command line.

At the end of this, you’ll have some ETL output tables ready to be loaded into AWS Glue.

On-Premises Runs

But first, a word about on-premises vs in-cloud runs of Cumulus ETL.

Your institution may be more comfortable keeping any semblance of PHI off of AWS. That’s fine! The entire ETL process itself can be run on-premises.

There are two folders that Cumulus ETL generates: one is the main de-identified output and the other holds build artifacts (which may include PHI). Only the de-identified output needs to be put in the cloud. We’ll talk about this more later.

You can follow these steps below on your own desktop or a server you have access to. Likewise, when you set this up for production use, you can run it on-premises or a cloud machine.


  • Before we dive in, you’re going to want a machine with access to your bulk patient data, to run Cumulus ETL.
    • This could be a long-running machine or a disposable per-run cloud instance. Whatever works for your setup.
    • If you’re running Cumulus ETL in AWS EC2, an m5.xlarge instance works well.
    • If you’re running on-premises or in another cloud, at least 16GB memory is recommended.
  • You should have also already set up your AWS infrastructure (i.e. have S3 buckets and a Glue database ready to go)


Cumulus ETL is shipped as a Docker image driven by a Docker Compose file.

  1. Install Docker
  2. Clone the Cumulus ETL repo, with its Docker Compose file
    • git clone
    • cd cumulus-etl

The compose.yaml file in that directory is all you’ll need. Any further Docker images needed by Cumulus ETL commands will be downloaded on the fly.

Whenever you run Cumulus ETL, this compose.yaml file will either need to be in your current directory, or you’ll have to pass Docker Compose the argument -f /path/to/compose.yaml.

To keep current with any updates to the Compose file, you may want to run git pull before running Cumulus ETL.


Cumulus ETL needs to initialize the output folder first, to create all the expected output tables in an empty initial state.

Run the command below, but replace:

  • my-cumulus-prefix-99999999999-us-east-2 with the output bucket you set up in AWS.
  • subdir with the ETL subdirectory you used when setting up your AWS buckets
  • and us-east-2 with the AWS region your buckets are in
docker compose run --rm \
  cumulus-etl init \
  s3://my-cumulus-prefix-99999999999-us-east-2/subdir/ \

This will create empty tables for all the core resources that Cumulus works with.

You should now even be able to see some (very small) output files in your S3 buckets!

You can choose to stop here and go back to setting up AWS Glue & Athena, or if you happen to have your FHIR data ready already, you continue reading on to upload some actual data.

Uploading FHIR Data (Optional At This Point)

You’ll need some FHIR data from your EHR for this step. If you don’t have it yet, read more about bulk exporting to learn how to extract your data.

There are three required positional arguments when uploading data:

  1. Input path: where your FHIR data (as NDJSON files) can be found, either as a local folder or an s3:// URL
  2. Output path: where to put the de-identified bundles of FHIR resources, usually an s3:// path and usually with a subdirectory specified
  3. PHI build path: where to put build artifacts that contain PHI and need to persist run-to-run, usually a different s3:// bucket (with less access) or a persistent local folder. Always reuse the same PHI build folder for the same output folder.

A full Cumulus ETL command looks like:

docker compose run --rm \
  cumulus-etl etl \
  --s3-region=us-east-2 \
  s3://my-input-bucket/subdir/ \
  s3://my-cumulus-prefix-99999999999-us-east-2/subdir/ \

But if you’d prefer to keep PHI off of AWS, that last argument (the PHI bucket path) can be replaced with a path to persistent local storage. Just remember to provide a --volume argument to Docker for any local paths you want to map into the container.

(Note: you can always run docker compose run cumulus-etl --help to see more options.)

Next Steps

Go back to setting up AWS Glue & Athena.