Propensity Score Matching (PSM)

This document aims to provide help in configuring/running PSM analysis as part of a Cumulus Library study.

What is propensity score matching?

Propensity score matching is a statistical technique for generating an experimental cohort from a larger population around a dependent variable. In our context, this allows you to compare the positive/negative members of a given population to determine if there are any social determinants of health (SDOH) that may be an indicator of a higher probability of exhibiting a given disease/symptom.

The expected workflow looks something like this:

  • Define a set of symptoms that are indicators of the condition you are investigating
  • From a general population, ID the instances that match this condition set
  • Select an appropriate sample size for your randomly selected cohorts
  • Run the PSM module, which will sample from your condition matches, generate a negative set from the remaining general population, normalize these two sets, and generate data that can be fed into statistical methods to help you analyze the population differences w.r.t SDOH.

Configuring a PSM task

The PSM config you reference in your study manifest is expected to contain a number of field definitions. We :strongly: recommend starting from the below template, which contains details on the expectations of each value.

# This is a config file for generating a propensity score matching (PSM) definition. 

# You can use this for selecting records for an expert review process, and you can 
# also use it to generate statistics around your population that meets your selection
# criteria versus those that do not.

# This attempts to handle the complexities of generating SQL queries for you,
# but you do need to know a little bit about what your data looks like in the
# database. We recommend that you only attempt to use this after you have decided
# on the first draft of your cohort selection criteria

# config_type should always be "psm" - we use this to distinguish from other
# statistic type runs
config_type = "psm"

# classification_json should reference a file in the same directory as this config,
# which matches a category to a set of ICD codes. As an example, you could use
# an existing guide like DSM5 classifications for this, but you could also use
# something like VSAC, or create your own.
classification_json = "dsm5_classifications.json"

# pos_source_table should be a curated table built as part of a study, which
# has entities matching your selection criteria (probably patients, but it could
# be another base FHIR resource)
pos_source_table = "study__diagnosis_cohort"

# neg_source_table should be the primary table your positive source was built from,
# i.e. it should contain all members that weren't identified as part of your cohort.
# It should usually be one of the core FHIR resource tables.
neg_source_table = "core__condition"

# target_table should be the name of the table you're storing your PSM cohort in. It 
# should be prefixed by 'studyname__'
target_table = "study__psm_encounter_covariate"

# primary_ref should be the column name from your pos_source_table that is the item
# of interest. it should have the same name as it did when it was selected 
#from neg_source_table
primary_ref = 'encounter_ref'

# count_ref is an optional second ref in your positive_source table that can be used
# to id the number of instances associated with your primary_ref. It is only used
# for validation
count_ref = 'subject_ref'

# count_table is the table to use to select your count_ref from. It should :probably:
# be the same as your neg_source_table
count_table = 'study__condition'

# dependent_variable is the name to use for identifying which cohort a record is in.
# It should be phrased such that a value of true would indicate it is originally from
# your pos_source_table.
dependent_variable = "example_diagnosis"

# pos_sample_size is the number of records to select from your pos_source_table.
# It should be no smaller than 20.
pos_sample_size = 50

# neg_sample_size is the number of records to select from your neg_source_table.
# It should be no smaller than 20.
neg_sample_size = 1000

# You can, if needed, select a new random seed value for count sampling. This is used
# to make sure that, for a given population, you'll always get the same sample set
# for repeatability. You probably don't need to change this in most cases.
 seed = 1234567890

# [join_cols_by_table.table_name] allows you to add arbitrary data from other sources
# to your target_table. it should be comprised of two keys:
#   - join_id - the field to use to join to your cohort table. It should :probably: 
#   be the primary ref.
#   - included_cols - a list of columns to join from the table in question. An array
#   of one string string will be included as the column name. An array of two strings
#   will create an alias, like "table_name.first_string AS second_str"
# You can join as many tables as you like.
join_id = "encounter_ref"
included_cols = [
    ["race_display", "race"]