  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All


Type aliases

FetchResult: Response | JsonObject | string | CombinedFetchResult

The return type of the lib.request function

JsonArray: JsonValue[]
JsonPatch: JsonPatchOperation[]
JsonPrimitive: string | number | boolean | null
PkceMode: "ifSupported" | "required" | "disabled" | "unsafeV1"
RequestFunction<R>: <O>(requestOptions?: O) => Promise<O["includeResponse"] extends true ? CombinedFetchResult<R> : R>

Type parameters

  • R = any

    The expected return type

Type declaration

    • <O>(requestOptions?: O): Promise<O["includeResponse"] extends true ? CombinedFetchResult<R> : R>
    • A function or method that makes requests to the backend server. If the includeResponse option is true resolves with CombinedFetchResult where the response property is the Response object and the body property is the result of type R (if any). Otherwise resolves with the result as R.

      Type parameters


      • Optional requestOptions: O

      Returns Promise<O["includeResponse"] extends true ? CombinedFetchResult<R> : R>

SMARTAuthenticationMethod: "client_secret_post" | "client_secret_basic" | "private_key_jwt"
WindowTargetVariable: "_self" | "_top" | "_parent" | "_blank" | "popup" | string | number | Window
clientType: "client-public" | "client-confidential-symmetric"
codeChallengeMethod: "S256"
launchContext: "context-banner" | "context-style"
launchContextEHR: "context-ehr-patient" | "context-ehr-encounter"
launchContextStandalone: "context-standalone-patient" | "context-standalone-encounter"
launchMode: "launch-ehr" | "launch-standalone"
permissions: "permission-offline" | "permission-patient" | "permission-user"
singleSignOn: "sso-openid-connect"
storageFactory: (options?: Record<string, any>) => Storage

Type declaration

    • (options?: Record<string, any>): Storage
    • Parameters

      • Optional options: Record<string, any>

      Returns Storage


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