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  • WellKnownSmartConfiguration



authorization_endpoint: string

URL to the OAuth2 authorization endpoint.

Array of strings representing SMART capabilities (e.g., single-sign-on or launch-standalone) that the server supports.

code_challenge_methods_supported?: "S256"[]

RECOMMENDED! PKCE challenge methods the server supports.

introspection_endpoint?: string

RECOMMENDED! URL to a server’s introspection endpoint that can be used to validate a token.

management_endpoint?: string

RECOMMENDED! URL where an end-user can view which applications currently have access to data and can make adjustments to these access rights.

registration_endpoint?: string

If available, URL to the OAuth2 dynamic registration endpoint for the FHIR server.

response_types_supported?: string[]

Array of OAuth2 response_type values that are supported

revocation_endpoint?: string

RECOMMENDED! URL to a server’s revoke endpoint that can be used to revoke a token.

scopes_supported?: string[]

Array of scopes a client may request.

token_endpoint: string

URL to the OAuth2 token endpoint.

token_endpoint_auth_methods?: SMARTAuthenticationMethod[]

Array of client authentication methods supported by the token endpoint. The options are “client_secret_post” and “client_secret_basic”.

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