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Authorization parameters that can be passed to authorize or init


  • AuthorizeParams



clientId?: string

The client_id that you have obtained while registering your app in the EHR. This is not required if you only intend to communicate with open FHIR servers. Note: For backwards compatibility reasons we also accept client_id instead of clientId!



clientPrivateJwk?: JWK

If you have registered a confidential client, you should pass your clientPrivateJwk here. Note: ONLY use this on the server, as the browsers are considered incapable of keeping a secret.

clientPublicKeySetUrl?: string

If you have registered a confidential client and you host your public key online, you can pass your JWKS URL here Note: ONLY use this on the server, as the browsers are considered incapable of keeping a secret.

clientSecret?: string

If you have registered a confidential client, you should pass your clientSecret here. Note: ONLY use this on the server, as the browsers are considered incapable of keeping a secret.

client_id?: string

The client_id that you have obtained while registering your app in the EHR. This is not required if you only intend to communicate with open FHIR servers. Note: For backwards compatibility reasons we accept client_id as an alias of clientId!



completeInTarget?: boolean

If true, the app will be initialized in the specified AuthorizeParams.target. Otherwise, the app will be initialized in the window in which authorize was called.

encounterId?: string

The ID of the selected encounter. If you are launching against an open FHIR server, there is no way to obtain the launch context that would (in some EHRs) include the selected encounter ID. This way you can "inject" that ID and make the client behave as if this is the currently active encounter.

fakeTokenResponse?: object

Useful for testing. This object can contain any properties that are typically contained in an access token response. These properties will be stored into the client state, as if it has been authorized.

fhirServiceUrl?: string

The base URL of the FHIR server to use. This is just like the iss option, except that it is designed to bypass the authentication. If fhirServiceUrl is passed, the authorize function will NOT actually attempt to authorize. It will skip that and redirect you to your redirect_uri.

height?: number

The height of the authorization popup window. Only used in browsers and if the AuthorizeParams.target option is set to "popup".

iss?: string

This is the URL of the service you are connecting to. For EHR Launch you MUST NOT provide this option. It will be passed by the EHR as url parameter instead. Using iss as an option will "lock" your app to that service provider. In other words, passing an iss option is how you can do Standalone Launch.

issMatch?: string | RegExp | ((iss: string) => boolean)

Can be used to verify that the app is being launched against certain servers. This is especially useful when working with multiple EHR configurations. Can be a string (in which case it will be expected to match the provided ISS exactly), a regular expression to test against the current ISS, or a function that will be called with the current ISS and should return true or false to signify if that ISS is acceptable.

launch?: string

Do not pass use this option, unless you want to test it. It should come as url parameter from the SMART authorization server as part of the EHR launch sequence

noRedirect?: boolean
patientId?: string

The ID of the selected patient. If you are launching against an open FHIR server, there is no way to obtain the launch context that would include the selected patient ID. This way you can "inject" that ID and make the client behave as if that is the currently active patient.

pkceMode?: PkceMode

Client expectations for PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange). Can be one of:

  • ifSupported Use if a matching code challenge method is available (default)
  • required Do not attempt authorization to servers without support
  • disabled Do not use PKCE
  • unsafeV1 Use against Smart v1 servers. Smart v1 does not define conformance, so validate your server supports PKCE before using this setting
redirectUri?: string

Defaults to the current directory (it's index file)



redirect_uri?: string

Same as redirectUri



scope?: string

One or more space-separated scopes that you would like to request from the EHR. Learn more

stateKey?: string

An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback.

If stateKey is not specified, one will be generated automatically.

The authorization server includes this value when redirecting the user-agent back to the client.

It's important to ensure that no sensitive information is included in the state parameter because it could be saved in the browser's history or server logs. To prevent CSRF attacks, the state parameter should be generated with a secure random seed.

From the perspective of developing client applications, the state parameter is useful for restoring a user's session, which might involve querying a data structure for cached objects specific to that user. The state parameter could refer to a user session key, but its purpose may vary depending on the application.

target?: WindowTarget

Where to start the auth flow. This option is only applicable in browsers and is ignored on the server. Can be one of:

  • _self Authorize in the same window (default)
  • _top Authorize in the topmost window
  • _parent Authorize in the parent window
  • _blank Authorize in new tab or window
  • "popup" Open a popup, authorize in it and close it when done
  • String Frame name (string index in window.frames)
  • Number Numeric index in window.frames
  • Object Window reference (must have the same origin)
  • Function A function that returns one of the above values or a promise that will resolve to such value.
width?: number

The width of the authorization popup window. Only used in browsers and if the AuthorizeParams.target option is set to "popup".

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