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Describes the state that should be passed to the Client constructor. Everything except serverUrl is optional


  • ClientState



authorizeUri?: string

You must call this endpoint to ask for authorization code

clientId?: string

The client_id that you should have obtained while registering your app with the auth server or EHR (as set in the configuration options)

clientPrivateJwk?: JWK

Your client private JWK if you have one (for asymmetric confidential clients)

clientPublicKeySetUrl?: string

Your client public JWKS url if you have one (for asymmetric confidential clients that have registered a JWKS URL)

clientSecret?: string

Your client secret if you have one (for symmetric confidential clients)

codeChallenge?: string

PKCE code challenge base value.

codeVerifier?: string

PKCE code verification, formatted with base64url-encode (RFC 4648 ยง 5) without padding, which is NOT the same as regular base64 encoding.

completeInTarget?: boolean

If true, the app requested to be initialized in the specified AuthorizeParams.target. Otherwise, the app requested to be initialized in the window in which authorize was called.

expiresAt?: number

An Unix timestamp (JSON numeric value representing the number of seconds since 1970). This updated every time an access token is received from the server.

key?: string

The key under which this state is persisted in the storage

password?: string

The password for basic auth. If present, username must also be provided.

redirectUri?: string

The URI to redirect to after successful authorization, as set in the configuration options.

registrationUri?: string

You could register new SMART client at this endpoint (if the server supports dynamic client registration)

scope?: string

The access scopes that you requested in your options (or an empty string).



serverUrl: string

The base URL of the Fhir server. The library should have detected it at authorization time from request query params of from config options.

tokenResponse?: TokenResponse

The response object received from the token endpoint while trying to exchange the auth code for an access token (if you have reached that point).

tokenUri?: string

You must call this endpoint to exchange your authorization code for an access token.

username?: string

The username for basic auth. If present, password must also be provided.

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