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SHL Protocol Specification


  • Software Applications
    • SHL Sharing Application. Helps users creates, manage, and share SHLinks. Also referred to below as "server". This application can include local software as well as server-side components.
    • SHL Receiving Application. Helps users receive SHLinks and work with associated content. Also referred to below as "client".
  • Users
    • Sharing User. An individual working with a SHL Sharing Application to create/manage/share information
    • Receiving User. An individual working with a SHL Receiving Application to retrieve/display/use information. In autonmous use cases there may be no Receiving User.

Working with a SHL Sharing Application, the Sharing User makes a few decisions up front:

  • What to share. Depending on the SHL Sharing Application, the Sharing User might explicitly choose a set of files or define a "sharing policy" that matches different data over time.
  • Whether the SHLink will require a Passcode to access. Depending on the SHL Sharing Application, a Passcode may be mandatory.
  • Whether the SHLink will expire at some pre-specified time. Depending on the SHL Sharing Application, an expiration time may be mandatory.

Regarding "what to share": a single SHLink at a specific point in time will resolve to a manifest of files of the following types:

  • application/smart-health-card: a JSON file with a .verifiableCredential array containing SMART Health Card JWS strings, as specified by
  • application/fhir+json: a JSON file containing any FHIR resource (e.g., an individual resource or a Bundle of resources). Note that this format is not inherently tamper-proof, but the content may be include digital signatures or have other verification processes associated with it, which are not defined here.
  • application/smart-api-access: a JSON file with a SMART Access Token Response (see SMART App Launch). Two additional properties are defined:
    • aud Required string indicating the FHIR Server Base URL where this token can be used (e.g., "")
    • query: Optional array of strings acting as hints to the client, indicating queries it might want to make (e.g., ["Coverage?patient=123&_tag=family-insurance"])

At configuration time, the SHL Sharing Application SHALL generate a random key used for encrypting/decrypting the files in the manifest (see "Decryption").


📓 Design Note: Trust and encryption

This pattern of encrypting files allows for deployment scenarios where the file server is not trusted to know the information inside the manifest's files. In such scenarios, the Sharing User and Receiving User can consider the server a blind intermediary. That said: in many deployment scenarios, the file server will be hosted by a healthcare provider or other entity that already has access to such files. For consistency, this protocol always applies encryption.


📓 Design Note: SHL Sharing Application "internals"

We do not standardize the protocol by which the SHL Sharing Application's local software communicates with its server-side components. These may be provided by the same vendor and use internal APIs to communicate -- or there may be no "local" software at all.

Based the configuration from (1), the SHL Sharing Application generates a "manifest URL" for the new SHLink. The manifest URL:

  • SHALL include at least 256 bits of entropy
    • A suggested approach is to generate a cryptographically strong 32-byte random sequence and then base64url-encode this sequence to obtain a 43-character string that is used as a path segment. For example:
  • SHALL NOT exceed 128 characters in length (note, this maximum applies to the url field of the SHLink Payload, not to the entire SHLink URI).

The SHL Sharing Application incorporates the manifest URL into a SHLink as described below.

The SHLink Payload is a JSON object including the following properties:

  • url: Manifest URL for this SHLink
  • key: Decryption key for processing files returned in the manifest. 43 characters, consisting of 32 random bytes base64urlencoded.
  • exp: Optional. Number representing expiration time in Epoch seconds, as a hint to help the SHL Receiving Application determine if this QR is stale. (Note: epoch times should be parsed into 64-bit numeric types.)
  • flag: Optional. String created by concatenating single-character flags in alphabetical order
    • L Indicates the SHLink is intended for long-term use and manifest content can evolve over time
    • P Indicates the SHLink requires a Passcode to resolve
    • U Indicates the SHLink's url resolves to a single encrypted file accessible via GET, bypassing the manifest. SHALL NOT be used in combination with P.
  • label: Optional. String no longer than 80 characters that provides a short description of the data behind the SHLink.
  • v: Optional. Integer representing the SHLinks protocol version this SHLink conforms to. MAY be omitted when the default value (1) applies.

The JSON Payload is then:

  • Minified
  • Base64urlencoded
  • Prefixed with shlink:/
  • Optionally prefixed with a viewer URL that ends with #

📓 Design Note: Protocol Versioning

Implementations can rely on the following behaviors:

  • SHLink Payload processing for shlink: URIs
    • SHLink Payloads SHALL be constructed as per "v":1 (i.e., payloads are Base64urlencoded, minified JSON objects)
      • Any changes to this design will require a new URI scheme, rather than a v bump
  • SHLink Payload stability
    • .label, .exp, and .flag SHALL always work as defined for "v":1
      • Any changes to this design will require a new URI scheme, rather than a v bump
    • New properties MAY be introduced without a version bump, as long as they're optional and safe to ignore
    • SHL Receiving Application SHALL ignore properties they don't recognize
    • Introduction of properties that can't safely be ignored will require a v bump
  • SHLink Payload flags
    • New flag values MAY be introduced without a version bump, as long as they're safe to ignore. For example, the v1 flag L is safe to ignore because the client will still be able to handle a one-time manifest request. The P flag however cannot be ignored because the server will respond with an error if no passcode is provided.
    • SHL Receiver Application SHALL ignore flag values they don't recognize
    • Introduction of new flag values that can't safely be ignored will require a v bump
  • Manifest URL request/response
    • New request parameters or headers MAY be introduced without a version bump, as long as they're optional and safe to ignore, or gated by a flag or property in the SHL Payload
    • New response parameters or headers MAY be introduced without a version bump, as long as they're optional and safe to ignore, or gated by a request parameter
    • SHL Sharing Application and SHL Receiving Application SHALL ignore parameters and headers they don't recognize
    • Introduction of parameters or headers that can't safely be ignored will require a v bump
  • Encryption and signature schemes
    • Changes to the cryptographic protocol will require a v bump

This means that SHL Receiver Applications can always recognize a SHLink Payload and display its label to the user. If a SHL Receiver Application receives a SHLink with a v newer than what it supports, it SHOULD display an appropriate message to the user and SHOULD NOT proceed with a manifest request, unless it has some reason to believe that proceeding is safe.


📓 Design Note: Viewer URL Prefixes

By using viewer URLs that end in #, we take advantage of the browser behavior where # fragments are not sent to a server at the time of a request. Thus the SHLink payload will not appear in server-side logs or be available to server-side processing when a link like is opened in a browser.

The following optional step may occur sometime after a SHLink is generated:

  • Optional: Update Shared Files. For some sharing scenarios, Sharing User MAY update the shared files from time to time (e.g., when new lab results arrive or new immunizations are performed). Updated versions SHALL be encrypted using the same key as the initial version.
import { encode as b64urlencode } from '';

const shlinkJsonPayload = {
"url": "",
"flag": "LP",
"key": "rxTgYlOaKJPFtcEd0qcceN8wEU4p94SqAwIWQe6uX7Q",
"label": "Back-to-school immunizations for Oliver Brown"

const encodedPayload = b64urlencode(JSON.stringify(shlinkJsonPayload))
// "eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2Voci5leGFtcGxlLm9yZy9xci9ZOXh3a1VkdG1OOXd3b0pvTjNmZkpJaFgyVUd2Q0wxSm5sUFZOTDNrRFdNL20iLCJmbGFnIjoiTFAiLCJrZXkiOiJyeFRnWWxPYUtKUEZ0Y0VkMHFjY2VOOHdFVTRwOTRTcUF3SVdRZTZ1WDdRIiwibGFiZWwiOiJCYWNrLXRvLXNjaG9vbCBpbW11bml6YXRpb25zIGZvciBPbGl2ZXIgQnJvd24ifQ"

const shlinkBare = `shlink:/` + encodedPayload;
// "shlink:/eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2Voci5leGFtcGxlLm9yZy9xci9ZOXh3a1VkdG1OOXd3b0pvTjNmZkpJaFgyVUd2Q0wxSm5sUFZOTDNrRFdNL20iLCJmbGFnIjoiTFAiLCJrZXkiOiJyeFRnWWxPYUtKUEZ0Y0VkMHFjY2VOOHdFVTRwOTRTcUF3SVdRZTZ1WDdRIiwibGFiZWwiOiJCYWNrLXRvLXNjaG9vbCBpbW11bml6YXRpb25zIGZvciBPbGl2ZXIgQnJvd24ifQ"

const shlink = `` + shlinkBare
// ""

The Sharing User can convey a SHLink by any common means including e-mail, secure messaging, or other text-based communication channels. When presenting a SHLink in person, the Sharing User can also display the link as a QR code using any standard library to create a QR image from the SHLink URI.

When sharing a SHLink via QR code, the following recommendations apply:

  • Create the QR with Error Correction Level M
  • Include the SMART Logo on a white background over the center of the QR, scaled to occupy 5-6% of the image area (inclusive of the "quiet zone" QR border).

The SHL Receiving Application can process a SHLink using the following steps.

  • Decode the SHLink JSON payload
  • Issue a SHLink Manifest Request to payload's url
  • Decrypt and process files from the manifest
  • Optional: When the original QR includes the L flag for long-term use, the SHL Receiving Application can re-fetch the manifest periodically, following polling guidance to avoid issing too many requests

When no U flag is present, the SHL Receiving Application SHALL retrieve a SHLink's manifest by issuing a request to the url with:

  • Method: POST
  • Headers:
    • content-type: application/json
  • Body: JSON object including
    • recipient: Required. A string describing the recipient (e.g.,the name of an organization or person) suitable for display to the Receiving User
    • passcode: Conditional. SHALL be populated with a user-supplied Passcode if the P flag was present in the SHLink payload
    • embeddedLengthMax: Optional. Integer upper bound on the length of embedded payloads (see .files.embedded)

If the SHLink is no longer active, the Resource Server SHALL respond with a 404.

If an invalid Passcode is supplied, the Resource Server SHALL reject the request and SHALL enforce a total lifetime count of incorrect Passcodes for a given SHLink, to prevent attackers from performing an exhaustive Passcode search. The error response for an invalid Passcode SHALL use the 401 HTTP status code and the response body SHALL be a JSON payload with

  • remainingAttempts: number of attempts remaining before the SHL is disabled

📓 Design Note: Monitoring remaining attempts Servers need to enforce a total lifetime count of incorrect Passcodes even in the face of attacks that attempt multiple Passcodes in separate, parallel HTTP requests (i.e., with little or no delay between requests). For example, servers might employ measures to limit the number of in-flight requests for a single SHLink at any given time, ensuring that requests are processed serially through the use of synchronization or shared state.

If the SHlink request is valid, the Resource Server SHALL return a SHLink Manifest File with content-type: application/json. The SHLink Manifest File is a JSON object with a files array where each entry includes:

  • contentType: One of the following values:
    • "application/smart-health-card" or
    • "application/smart-api-access" or
    • "application/fhir+json"
  • location (SHALL be present if no embedded content is included): URL to the file. This URL SHALL be short-lived and intended for single use. For example, it could be a short-lifetime signed URL to a file hosted in a cloud storage service (see signed URL docs for S3, Azure, and GCP).
  • embedded (SHALL be present if no location is included): JSON string directly embedding the encrypted contents of the file as a compact JSON Web Encryption string (see "Encrypting").

Polling manifest for changes

When the original QR includes the L flag for long-term use, the client MAY periodically poll for changes in the manifest. The server MAY provide a Retry-After header on successful manifest responses, indicating the minimum time that the client SHOULD wait before its next polling request. If manifest requests are issued too frequently, the server MAY respond with HTTP status 429 Too Many Requests and a Retry-After header indicating the minimum time that a client SHALL wait before re-issuing a manifest request.


📓 Design Note: Rate Limiting More detailed guidance on polling will require real-world implementation experience. The current guidance provides the client a hint about how often to poll, and provides a way to convey that requests are being issued too frequently. We encourage implementers to experiment with additional capabilities.

The SHL Sharing Application SHALL ensure that .files.location links can be dereferenced without additional authentication, and that they are short-lived. The lifetime of .files.location links SHALL NOT exceed one hour. The SHL Sharing Application MAY create one-time-use .files.location links that are consumed as soon as they are dereferenced.

Because the manifest and associated files are a single package that may change over time, the SHL Receiving Application SHALL treat any manifest file locations as short-lived and potentially limited to one-time use. The SHL Receiving Application SHALL NOT attempt to dereference a manifest's .files.location link more than one hour after requesting the manifest, and SHALL be capable of re-fetching the manifest to obtain fresh location links in the event that they have expired or been consumed.

The SHL Sharing Application SHALL respond to the GET requests for .files.location URLs with:

.files.embedded content

If the client has specified embeddedLengthMax in the manifest request, the sever SHALL NOT embedded payload longer than the client-designated maximum.

If present, the embedded value SHALL be up-to-date as of the time the manifest is requested. If the client has specified embeddedLengthMax in the manifest request, the sever SHALL NOT embedded payload longer than the client-designated maximum.

The embedded content is a JSON Web Encryption as described in Encrypting and Decrypting Files.

"files": [{
"contentType": "application/smart-health-card",
"location": ""
"contentType": "application/smart-health-card",
"embedded": "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIn0..8zH0NmUXGwMOqEya.xdGRpgyvE9vNoKzHlr4itKKW2vo<snipped>"
"contentType": "application/fhir+json",
"location": ""

When the U flag is present, the SHL Receiving Application SHALL NOT make a request for the manifest. Instead, the application SHALL retrieve a SHLink's sole encrypted file by issuing a request to the url with:

  • Method: GET
    • Query parameters
      • recipient: Required. A string describing the recipient (e.g.,the name of an organization or person) suitable for display to the Data Sharer

Encrypting and Decrypting Files

SHLink files are always symmetrically encrypted with a SHLink-specific key. Encryption is performed using JSON Web Encryption (JOSE JWE) compact serialization with "alg": "dir", "enc": "A256GCM", and a cty header indicating the content type of the payload (e.g., application/smart-health-card, application/fhir+json, etc). The JWE MAY include a zip header with the value DEF to indicate that the plaintext of the JWE is compressed using the DEFLATE algorithm as specified in RFC 1951, before being encrypted. (Note, this indicates "raw" DEFLATE compression, omitting any zlib headers.)

Example Encryption
import * as jose from ''
import * as pako from ''

const exampleShcFromWeb = await fetch("");
const exampleShcBody = new Uint8Array(await exampleShcFromWeb.arrayBuffer());
const exampleContentType = 'application/smart-health-card'

const shlinkPayload = {
"key": "rxTgYlOaKJPFtcEd0qcceN8wEU4p94SqAwIWQe6uX7Q",
// other properties omitted; not relevant for this example

const encrypted = await new jose
.CompactEncrypt(new Uint8Array(exampleShcBody))
alg: 'dir',
enc: 'A256GCM',
cty: exampleContentType,

Example Decryption
import * as jose from ''
import * as pako from ''

const shlinkPayload = {
"key": "rxTgYlOaKJPFtcEd0qcceN8wEU4p94SqAwIWQe6uX7Q",
// other properties omitted; not relevant for this example

// Output from "encrypt" example above
const fileEncrypted = "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIiwiY3R5IjoiYXBwbGljYXRpb24vc21hcnQtaGVhbHRoLWNhcmQifQ..B9Bd5AW751az-gEx.iah6mxLb5TQe2ZfCwEUs4R1t8WoP0mnFc-TUzN1NIyzUeDwJNOcxv4CY8wV6ys4Dicnr3IhqTvVU1RbR-4eq1GCd4g96faV8_0MbHwXzP246Tz9BDLhQ2zlAjYqvvCi_JuWdyWqGhKeWGX1XibNHFzzVT0FmYensfKF4o0uSeZWQDKVEEhzMSKuALMpUkfwHcmCRfLT-ctANSxq-Zj0IIeT66XbztOomStjlfi-F-FaqBGZfHOARCVvT143CTYELLJCUdD4qUVkrNuLmRZrNuqVpY0g5BjABswkIoDmyoRJAEohuZCamZNA--p-uRqJjRefED1eMrKSppabV2ugaqoFlieujTOE-a3VKib9aC-lFsmLalkwh9ctr_FZqS9H46rqGjGcOxtAXalo1jkMPGupVsE1W-xIH14wbPCYcgfldH9SH7X60462kxD8OFdHpvnnfAvjQnaE4QDqasT5ySpBRtck4GVxs2IRBt62-kOlzoI8lHapLdwIms-Gdt7z38E47ZE3afE4IIbobPGz7wGvjbi3z234ARvGQ4jREgPQb1NRYAEtZlrZNzR6N7ofXD8jF502tw-QWI_Ox0jFP5tynIiMp-hG25ecQ0s4MzPHFC0ZABPamgg3MS-UILl76gMDCHS5Te_JAXZoC1HnkETw5M217SaG5ISAU0F5qETMREfTjZR9E45MDhnw7uY1vo2lffRB3ei1QqGuLh0gUnVU7TUfFYwcOqV15sb0t1lMj0mmyG5v-_dE9H6dYtRKJARltmdfSmc1HisBewx75Xh5ChJQ1hiCEDaZ1wqFjsFJ6SrKgJ7C1N7vx6QKx8YXwFH7ePG2qG39leT5JKZnqAvi9fqc6x-YwfhSjbRKGZoj2o55Fd2fbwtK6CXpiW6AekT7PUcl_7ynTq-DaQ_Yc29WwtmgapcCRNpfcMsoqCD4giu1V3Sj5DQLglwuk1gAMcuV5fo8JpABu2_is83WZ_GJ1WWMUxyZGq6u-EGuZrP96Yewb7-zfnt2lao_LJg1ef5cqDTW7-0MS27wkmLiIi0e-PYvS-UfWVHg1oNbR-MHXMVEQ6gqNg08IgEyPDSFCUbf75HuMILN80bQNtSlFj6FR7uNKHr8sigvKI80k.5flOKKmeqYm0TamwROr8Nw"

const decrypted = await jose.compactDecrypt(
{inflateRaw: async (bytes) => pako.inflateRaw(bytes)}


const decoded = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(decrypted.plaintext));
verifiableCredential: [

Use Case Examples

Using SHL to share an interactive experience

While the SMART Health Links spec focuses on providing access to structured data, it's often useful to share an interactive experience such as a web-based diagnostic portal where the SHL Receiving Application can review and add comments to a patient record. This can be accomplished in SHL with a manifest entry of type application/fhir+json that provides a FHIR Endpoint resource where:

  • name describes the interactive experience with sufficient detail for the Receiving User to decide whether to engage
  • connectionType is {"system": "", "code": "shl-interactive-experience"}
  • address is the URI for the interactive experience
  • period optionally documents the window of time when the interactive experience is available

For example, the manifest for an SHL that offers the user the opportunity to "Review a case" might include a application/fhir+json entry with:

"resourceType": "Endpoint",
"status": "active",
"name": "Review and comment on Alice's case in ACME Medical Diagnostic Portal",
"address": "",
"period": {"end": "2022-10-20T12:30:00Z"},
"connectionType": {"system": "", "code": "shl-interactive-experience"},
"payloadType": [{"system": "", "code": "none"}],


  • There is no perfect FHIR resource for documenting an interactive experience URL. Endpoint and DocumentReference are both plausible candidates, and we recommend Endpoint here because DocumentReference is designed for static payloads.
  • If the only content being shared via SHL is a single interactive experience, implementers might consider sharing the interactive experience URL directly, instead of through SHL. However, since SHL provides a consistent pattern that users and tools can recognize, starting with SHL provides a foundation to support future expansion.

"Upgrading" from SHL to a consumer-mediated SMART on FHIR Connection

In addition to providing direct access to a pre-configured data set, SHLs can include information to help establish a consumer-mediated SMART on FHIR connection to the data source. This can be accomplished with a SHL manifest entry of type application/fhir+json that provides a FHIR Endpoint resource where:

  • name describes the SMART on FHIR endpoint with sufficient detail for the Receiving User to decide whether to connect
  • connectionType is {"system": "", "code": "SMART-on-FHIR"}
  • address is the FHIR API base URL of the server that supports SMART App Launch

For example, the manifest for an SHL from Labs-R-Us might include a application/fhir+json entry with:

"resourceType": "Endpoint",
"status": "active",
"name": "Labs-R-Us Application Access",
"address": "",
"connectionType": {"system": "", "code": "SMART-on-FHIR"},
"payloadType": [{"system": "", "code": "none"}],


  • Clients may need to pre-register with the SMART App Launch enabled service before they can request a connection. A client might compare "address" against an internal database to determine whether it can connect, retrieve {address}/.well-known/smart-configuration to determine whether the Dynamic Client Registration Protocol is available or come up with another way to determine connectivity in order to inform the user of how they can act on the SHL.

  • This capability will only work in cases where the user receiving the SHL is authorized to approve SMART App Launch requests; other recipients might see the Endpoint but would be unable to complete a SMART App Launch