array of error file items following the same structure as the output array. Errors that occurred during the export should only be included here (not in output). If no errors occurred, the server SHOULD return an empty array. Only the OperationOutcome resource type is currently supported, so a server SHALL generate files in the same format as bulk data output files that contain OperationOutcome resources.
To support extensions, this implementation guide reserves the name extension and will never define a field with that name, allowing server implementations to use it to provide custom behavior and information. For example, a server may choose to provide a custom extension that contains a decryption key for encrypted ndjson files. The value of an extension element SHALL be a pre-coordinated JSON object.
Next link in case of paginated response
an array of file items with one entry for each generated file. If no resources are returned from the kick-off request, the server SHOULD return an empty array.
When provided, a server with support for the parameter SHALL organize the resources in output files by instances of the specified resource type, including a header for each resource of the type specified in the parameter, followed by the resource and resources in the output that contain references to that resource. When omitted, servers SHALL organize each output file with resources of only single type.
A server unable to structure output by the requested organizeOutputBy resource SHOULD return an error and FHIR OperationOutcome resource. When a Prefer: handling=lenient header is included in the request, the server MAY process the request instead of returning an error.
the full URL of the original bulk data kick-off request
indicates whether downloading the generated files requires a bearer access token. Value SHALL be true if both the file server and the FHIR API server control access using OAuth 2.0 bearer tokens. Value MAY be false for file servers that use access-control schemes other than OAuth 2.0, such as downloads from Amazon S3 bucket URLs or verifiable file servers within an organization's firewall.
indicates the server's time when the query is run. The response SHOULD NOT include any resources modified after this instant, and SHALL include any matching resources modified up to and including this instant. Note: To properly meet these constraints, a FHIR Server might need to wait for any pending transactions to resolve in its database before starting the export process.
Generated using TypeDoc
An array of deleted file items following the same structure as the output array.
When a
timestamp is supplied in the export request, this array SHALL be populated with output files containing FHIR Transaction Bundles that indicate which FHIR resources would have been returned, but have been deleted subsequent to that date. If no resources have been deleted or the _since parameter was not supplied, the server MAY omit this key or MAY return an empty array.Each line in the output file SHALL contain a FHIR Bundle with a type of transaction which SHALL contain one or more entry items that reflect a deleted resource. In each entry, the request.url and request.method elements SHALL be populated. The request.method element SHALL be set to DELETE.
Example deleted resource bundle (represents one line in output file):