Source material shall capture information on the taxonomic and anatomical origins as well as the fraction of a material that can result in or can be modified to form a substance.
| __init__ (self, jsondict=None, strict=True) |
| Initialize all valid properties.
| elementProperties (self) |
| Returns a list of tuples, one tuple for each property that should be serialized, as: ("name", "json_name", type, is_list, "of_many", not_optional)
| as_json (self) |
| Serializes to JSON by inspecting elementProperties() and creating a JSON dictionary of all registered properties.
| relativeBase (self) |
| relativePath (self) |
| read (cls, rem_id, server) |
| Read the resource with the given id from the given server.
| read_from (cls, path, server) |
| Requests data from the given REST path on the server and creates an instance of the receiving class.
| createPath (self) |
| Get the endpoint on the server for creating the resource.
| create (self, server) |
| Attempt to create the receiver on the given server, using a POST command.
| update (self, server=None) |
| Update the receiver's representation on the given server, issuing a PUT command.
| delete (self, server=None) |
| Delete the receiver from the given server with a DELETE command.
| search (self, struct=None) |
| Search can be started via a dictionary containing a search construct.
| where (cls, struct) |
| Search can be started via a dictionary containing a search construct.
| with_json (cls, jsonobj) |
| Initialize an element from a JSON dictionary or array.
| with_json_and_owner (cls, jsonobj, owner) |
| Instantiates by forwarding to with_json() , then remembers the "owner" of the instantiated elements.
| update_with_json (self, jsondict) |
| Update the receiver with data in a JSON dictionary.
| owningResource (self) |
| Walks the owner hierarchy and returns the next parent that is a DomainResource instance.
| owningBundle (self) |
| Walks the owner hierarchy and returns the next parent that is a Bundle instance.
| resolvedReference (self, refid) |
| Returns the resolved reference with the given id, if it has been resolved already.
| didResolveReference (self, refid, resolved) |
| Called by FHIRResource when it resolves a reference.
Source material shall capture information on the taxonomic and anatomical origins as well as the fraction of a material that can result in or can be modified to form a substance.
This set of data elements shall be used to define polymer substances isolated from biological matrices. Taxonomic and anatomical origins shall be described using a controlled vocabulary as required. This information is captured for naturally derived polymers ( . starch) and structurally diverse substances. For Organisms belonging to the Kingdom Plantae the Substance level defines the fresh material of a single species or infraspecies, the Herbal Drug and the Herbal preparation. For Herbal preparations, the fraction information will be captured at the Substance information level and additional information for herbal extracts will be captured at the Specified Substance Group 1 information level. See for further explanation the Substance Class: Structurally Diverse and the herbal annex.