| __init__ (self, jsondict=None, strict=True) |
| Initialize all valid properties.
| elementProperties (self) |
| Returns a list of tuples, one tuple for each property that should be serialized, as: ("name", "json_name", type, is_list, "of_many", not_optional)
| as_json (self) |
| Serializes to JSON by inspecting elementProperties() and creating a JSON dictionary of all registered properties.
| relativeBase (self) |
| relativePath (self) |
| read (cls, rem_id, server) |
| Read the resource with the given id from the given server.
| read_from (cls, path, server) |
| Requests data from the given REST path on the server and creates an instance of the receiving class.
| createPath (self) |
| Get the endpoint on the server for creating the resource.
| create (self, server) |
| Attempt to create the receiver on the given server, using a POST command.
| update (self, server=None) |
| Update the receiver's representation on the given server, issuing a PUT command.
| delete (self, server=None) |
| Delete the receiver from the given server with a DELETE command.
| search (self, struct=None) |
| Search can be started via a dictionary containing a search construct.
| where (cls, struct) |
| Search can be started via a dictionary containing a search construct.
| with_json (cls, jsonobj) |
| Initialize an element from a JSON dictionary or array.
| with_json_and_owner (cls, jsonobj, owner) |
| Instantiates by forwarding to with_json() , then remembers the "owner" of the instantiated elements.
| update_with_json (self, jsondict) |
| Update the receiver with data in a JSON dictionary.
| owningResource (self) |
| Walks the owner hierarchy and returns the next parent that is a DomainResource instance.
| owningBundle (self) |
| Walks the owner hierarchy and returns the next parent that is a Bundle instance.
| resolvedReference (self, refid) |
| Returns the resolved reference with the given id, if it has been resolved already.
| didResolveReference (self, refid, resolved) |
| Called by FHIRResource when it resolves a reference.
Record of medication being taken by a patient.
A record of a medication that is being consumed by a patient. A MedicationStatement may indicate that the patient may be taking the medication now or has taken the medication in the past or will be taking the medication in the future. The source of this information can be the patient, significant other (such as a family member or spouse), or a clinician. A common scenario where this information is captured is during the history taking process during a patient visit or stay. The medication information may come from sources such as the patient's memory, from a prescription bottle, or from a list of medications the patient, clinician or other party maintains.
The primary difference between a medication statement and a medication administration is that the medication administration has complete administration information and is based on actual administration information from the person who administered the medication. A medication statement is often, if not always, less specific. There is no required date/time when the medication was administered, in fact we only know that a source has reported the patient is taking this medication, where details such as time, quantity, or rate or even medication product may be incomplete or missing or less precise. As stated earlier, the medication statement information may come from the patient's memory, from a prescription bottle or from a list of medications the patient, clinician or other party maintains. Medication administration is more formal and is not missing detailed information.