Tutorials - Quick-start: Making your EHR SMART

This is a getting-started guide for Health IT systems looking to support pluggable apps using SMART on FHIR. We’ll take you through the process of allowing your users to launch a single app: the open-source SMART Growth Charts app.

To get Growth Charts running inside your EHR, you’ll implement a basic SMART on FHIR server that can:

  1. Expose clinical data using FHIR Patient and Observation resources
  2. Protect your clinical data via the SMART on FHIR App Authorization protocol (based on OAuth2).
  3. Allow a user to launch Growth Charts by clicking a “launch” button

To get up and running as easily as possible, this quick-start guide helps you through two scenarios: first, to run the app in debugging mode against an unprotected server, and second, to get the app running against an OAuth2-protected server.

Debugging: Launch Growth Charts against your unprotected server

Once you’ve exposed the necessary clinical data (see payload examples below for full details), make sure that you’re exposing Cross-Origin Request Support (CORS) headers with your HTTP responses. A quick set of headers to get starter would be:

Access-Control-Allow-Headers: origin, authorization, accept, content-type, x-requested-with
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

At this point, you can launch the Growth Charts app in debugging mode (no authorization required).

You’ll expose a “launch” button that users can click from within an existing EHR session. When a user clicks this button, you’ll load the following URL in a new browser window (or an iframe, or an embedded browser widget, depending on the architecture of your EHR), supplying two URL parameters:


  • fhirServiceUrl={FHIR base URL of your unprotected server}
  • patientId={patient ID from the current user session}

You can click the URL above for a live example (running against our open testing server).

For real: Launch Growth Charts against your OAuth2-protected server

Once you’ve implemented the SMART on FHIR Authorization protocols, you can wire up your “launch” button to launch the app in production mode (with authorization) by completing the following sequence:

1. Create a launch context

On your back-end, as soon as a user clicks the launch button you’ll create a SMART “launch context” that includes (at least) the patient ID from the current EHR user session. You’ll assign a new “launch id” to this context, and you’ll pass that id to the Growth Charts app as a URL parameter. In the real world, you’d create a launch context every time a user launches an app – though for prototyping, you might just want to create a trivial implementation that hard-codes a set of sample values.

2. Open the app

When a user launches the Growth Charts app from inside your EHR, you’ll load the following URL in a new browser window (or an iframe, or an embedded browser widget, depending on the architecture of your EHR), supplying two URL parameters:


  • iss={FHIR base URL of your OAuth2-protected server}
  • launch={opaque launch ID generated by your server}

(Note: the link above is for example purposes only. You’ll need to fill in your own server’s issuer and a launch ID to proceed.)

Data requirements

When the SMART Growth Charts, it will fetch:

1. Patient demographics

curl 'https://r2.smarthealthit.org/Patient/smart-1482713' -H 'Accept: application/json'

2. All Weight, Height, Head Circumference, and BMI Observations

Note LOINC Codes: 3141-9, 8302-2, 8287-5, 39156-5

curl 'https://r2.smarthealthit.org/Observation?subject%3APatient=smart-1482713&code=3141-9%2C8302-2%2C8287-5%2C39156-5&_count=50' -H 'Accept: application/json' 

Sample patient demographics

   "resourceType" : "Patient",
   "id" : "1482713",
   "meta" : {
      "lastUpdated" : "2015-09-30T14:31:27.885+00:00",
      "versionId" : "18619"
   "text" : {
      "status" : "generated",
      "div" : "<div>\n        \n            <p>Susan Clark</p>\n      \n          </div>"
   "name" : [
         "given" : [
         "use" : "official",
         "family" : [
   "address" : [
         "country" : "USA",
         "city" : "Tulsa",
         "state" : "OK",
         "use" : "home",
         "line" : [
            "52 Highland St"
         "postalCode" : "74116"
   "gender" : "female",
   "telecom" : [
         "system" : "phone",
         "use" : "home",
         "value" : "800-576-9327"
         "system" : "email",
         "value" : "susan.clark@example.com"
   "active" : true,
   "birthDate" : "2000-12-27",
   "identifier" : [
         "type" : {
            "text" : "Medical record number",
            "coding" : [
                  "code" : "MR",
                  "system" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/v2/0203",
                  "display" : "Medical record number"
         "system" : "http://hospital.smarthealthit.org",
         "value" : "1482713",
         "use" : "usual"

Sample vitals (height, weight, BMI)

   "total" : 3,
   "resourceType" : "Bundle",
   "type" : "searchset",
   "entry" : [
         "search" : {
            "mode" : "match"
         "resource" : {
            "resourceType" : "Observation",
            "effectiveDateTime" : "2003-11-28",
            "id" : "428-height",
            "text" : {
               "status" : "generated",
               "div" : "<div>2003-11-28: height = 115.316 cm</div>"
            "meta" : {
               "versionId" : "19628",
               "lastUpdated" : "2015-09-30T14:31:29.576+00:00"
            "code" : {
               "text" : "height",
               "coding" : [
                     "system" : "http://loinc.org",
                     "code" : "8302-2",
                     "display" : "height"
            "encounter" : {
               "reference" : "Encounter/428"
            "subject" : {
               "reference" : "Patient/1482713"
            "status" : "final",
            "valueQuantity" : {
               "unit" : "cm",
               "system" : "http://unitsofmeasure.org",
               "value" : 115.316,
               "code" : "cm"
         "fullUrl" : "https://r2.smarthealthit.org/Observation/428-height"
         "search" : {
            "mode" : "match"
         "resource" : {
            "code" : {
               "text" : "weight",
               "coding" : [
                     "code" : "3141-9",
                     "system" : "http://loinc.org",
                     "display" : "weight"
            "meta" : {
               "lastUpdated" : "2015-09-30T14:31:29.645+00:00",
               "versionId" : "19676"
            "valueQuantity" : {
               "system" : "http://unitsofmeasure.org",
               "unit" : "kg",
               "value" : 18.55193,
               "code" : "kg"
            "status" : "final",
            "subject" : {
               "reference" : "Patient/1482713"
            "encounter" : {
               "reference" : "Encounter/428"
            "id" : "428-weight",
            "effectiveDateTime" : "2003-11-28",
            "resourceType" : "Observation",
            "text" : {
               "status" : "generated",
               "div" : "<div>2003-11-28: weight = 18.55193 kg</div>"
         "fullUrl" : "https://r2.smarthealthit.org/Observation/428-weight"
         "fullUrl" : "https://r2.smarthealthit.org/Observation/428-bmi",
         "search" : {
            "mode" : "match"
         "resource" : {
            "subject" : {
               "reference" : "Patient/1482713"
            "status" : "final",
            "valueQuantity" : {
               "value" : 13.9,
               "code" : "kg/m2",
               "unit" : "kg/m2",
               "system" : "http://unitsofmeasure.org"
            "encounter" : {
               "reference" : "Encounter/428"
            "meta" : {
               "lastUpdated" : "2015-09-30T14:31:29.663+00:00",
               "versionId" : "19688"
            "code" : {
               "text" : "bmi",
               "coding" : [
                     "code" : "39156-5",
                     "system" : "http://loinc.org",
                     "display" : "bmi"
            "text" : {
               "div" : "<div>2003-11-28: bmi = 13.9 kg/m2</div>",
               "status" : "generated"
            "effectiveDateTime" : "2003-11-28",
            "id" : "428-bmi",
            "resourceType" : "Observation"

Sample Encounter (note: app can work without encounter details)

   "resourceType" : "Encounter",
   "class" : "ambulatory",
   "status" : "finished",
   "text" : {
      "div" : "<div>2003-11-28: ambulatory encounter</div>",
      "status" : "generated"
   "id" : "428",
   "meta" : {
      "lastUpdated" : "2015-09-30T14:31:27.908+00:00",
      "versionId" : "18639"
   "period" : {
      "end" : "2003-11-28",
      "start" : "2003-11-28"
   "patient" : {
      "reference" : "Patient/1482713"