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Migration Instructions

This document describes the most important changes that might be required in order to update an old SMART app to support new versions of the fhirclient library.

Migrating to v2+

There are lots of changes in v2, compared to the older versions. It might be a good idea to start by reading this document.

This only covers browser-related changes, since versions below 2 were not server-compatible.

Load the correct version

First make sure that you are loading the correct version of the library through the script tags. For example, this should load the latest development build:

<script src=""></script>


In your launch page you should have a call to FHIR.oauth2.authorize(). This should work without any changes for EHR launch. For Standalone Launch, you probably have something like:

    client: {
        client_id: "...",
        scope: "..."
        server: "https://my-launch-url"

For v2 you need to change that to:

    client_id: "...",
    scope: "...",
    iss: "https://my-launch-url"


This is where apps are initialized. You probably call this with one or two callback arguments like:

FHIR.oauth2.ready(onSuccess, onError);

In v2 this is acceptable, but ready returns a Promise and we advise you to change it to:


This is just for clarity. Even if you keep the old signature (ready(onSuccess, onError)) it will be converted internally to ready().then(onSuccess).catch(onError). The important part is that onSuccess now becomes part of the promise chain and as such, it’s return value will be passed to any function that might be chained after that.

At this point, review the code of those two callback and consider the following:

FHIR queries

Once you have the SMART part (authorize and ready) working, it is time to proceed to the FHIR queries. Almost every http request made by this library before v2 was sent through fhir.js. Since v2, we recommend switching to the built-in request function which comes with some benefits. See fhir.js integration

If you want to continue using fhir.js, you will have to include it in the page. Since we provide a fetch polyfill, the native fhir.js build can be used. We have tested our fhir.js integration with native build of fhir.js version 0.0.20 (available here). This can still bring in some incompatibilities, so another option would be to try our fork of fhir.js that was included in older versions of the fhirclient library. You can grab it from here, but note that it will also require jQuery to be included in the page.

Most of the apps are using information about the selected patient, so you probably have a call like somewhere in your code. That should work in v2, but it returns a Promise instead of jQuery.Deferred. This means that things like:

must be changed to:

Other read requests

Other requests should be convertible to client.request(). We can’t cover every possible scenario, but we can provide an example for one use case that seems to be very common - fetching patient observations.


    .then(client => {

        const query = new URLSearchParams();
        query.set("_count", 100); // fetch fewer pages if the server supports it
        query.set("code", [
            '|29463-7', // weight
            '|3141-9' , // weight
            '|8302-2' , // Body height
            '|8306-3' , // Body height - lying
            '|8287-5' , // headC
            '|39156-5', // BMI
            '|18185-9', // gestAge
            '|37362-1', // bone age
            '|11884-4'  // gestAge

        return client.request("Observation?" + query, {
            pageLimit: 0,   // get all pages
            flat     : true // return flat array of Observation resources
        }).then(observations => {
            const getObservations = client.byCodes(observations, "code");
            console.log("height", getObservations("8302-2", "8306-3"));
            console.log("weight", getObservations("29463-7", "3141-9"));
            // ...

See this for other examples.

Common write requests

The v2 client includes convenience wrappers for FHIR create, update, delete operations.

For example:

client.api.update({resource: resource})

can be changed to:


Here are examples for create and delete:


Other write requests

Other write requests should be converted to client.request(). See this for examples.

Other Changes

Client state

The old client had a state and a tokenResponse properties. Now the tokenResponse is part of the state. This means that read tokenResponse values the code needs to be updated like so:

// old
const needPatientBanner = client.tokenResponse.need_patient_banner;

// new
const needPatientBanner = client.state.tokenResponse.need_patient_banner;