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This is a FHIR client that is returned to you from the ready() call of the SMART API. You can also create it yourself if needed:

const client = FHIR.client("");

const client = smart(req, res).client("");

It exposes the following API:

client.request(uri: String [, fhirOptions: Object]) Promise<Object>
client.request(url: URL [, fhirOptions: Object]) Promise<Object>
client.request(options: Object [, fhirOptions: Object]) Promise<Object>

This is the single most important method. Please see the live examples.

The first argument can be one of:

The fhirOptions object is optional and can contain the following properties:

Return Values

This client.request method will always return a Promise but it may be resolved with different values depending on the passed arguments or the server response. Here are some examples:

Return Value Happens if Example
String The server replies with text/plain or other non-json mime type containing the word text client.request("someFile.txt");
Response The server replies with anything other than json or text client.request("someFile.pdf");
FHIR Resource If we request a resource and the server replies with json client.request("Patient/id");
FHIR Bundle If we request a bundle and the server replies with json client.request("Patient");
Array of FHIR bundles If we request a bundle and the server replies with json and we use the pageLimit option client.request("Patient", { pageLimit: 0 });
Array of FHIR resources If we request a bundle and the server replies with json and we use the flat option client.request("Patient", { pageLimit: 0, flat: true });
null If we use the onPage callback to handle results as they arrive. In this case we don’t use the result. We only need to know when the download is complete. client.request("Patient", { pageLimit: 5, onPage(bundle) { ... }});
{ response: Response, body: <any of the above>} When we use the includeResponse option (since v2.3.11) client.request("Patient/id", { includeResponse: true });


Fetch single resource

// Resolves with a Patient or rejects with an Error

Fetch the current patient

// Resolves with a Patient or rejects with an Error

Fetch a bundle

// Resolves with a Bundle or rejects with an Error

Get all pages

// Resolves with array of Bundles or rejects with an Error
client.request("Patient", { pageLimit: 0 });

Handle pages as they arrive

// Resolves with null or rejects with an Error
client.request("Patient", {
    pageLimit: 5,
    onPage(bundle) {
        // do something with the downloaded page

Resolve References

// Resolves with augmented Encounter or rejects with an Error
client.request("Encounter/518a522a-4b10-47db-9daf-53b726d32607", {
    resolveReferences: [ "serviceProvider" ]

Extracting multiple related resources from single Observation:

// Resolves with Object (augmented Observation) or rejects with an Error
client.request("Observation/smart-691-bmi", {
    resolveReferences: [
        "context",                 // The Encounter
        "context.serviceProvider", // The Organization (hospital)
        "performer.0",             // The Practitioner (or use "performer" to get all practitioners)
        "subject",                 // The Patient
        "identifier..assigner"     // All identifier assigners

Getting the references as separate object

Resolved references are “mounted” on the result tree, replacing the value of the original reference property. If you don’t want that behavior, you can set the graph option of the request method to false. In this case, the promise will be resolved with an object having two properties:

// Resolves with Object ({ data, references }) or rejects with an Error
client.request("Encounter/518a522a-4b10-47db-9daf-53b726d32607", {
    resolveReferences: [ "serviceProvider" ],
    graph: false

client.create(resource: Object, requestOptions = {}) Promise<Object>

Wrapper for client.request implementing the FHIR resource create operation.

client.update(resource: Object, requestOptions = {}) Promise<Object>

Wrapper for client.request implementing the FHIR resource update operation.

client.delete(uri: String, requestOptions = {}) Promise<Object>

Wrapper for client.request implementing the FHIR resource delete operation.



client.refresh(requestOptions = {}) Promise<Object>

Use the refresh token to obtain new access token. If the refresh token is expired (or this fails for any other reason) it will be deleted from the state, so that we don’t enter into loops trying to re-authorize.

Note that that client.request() will automatically refresh the access token for you!

Resolves with the updated state or rejects with an error.

client.refreshIfNeeded(requestOptions = {}) Promise<Object>

Checks if access token and refresh token are present. If they are, and if the access token is expired or is about to expire in the next 10 seconds, calls client.refresh() to obtain new access token.

client.api Object

Only accessible if fhir.js is available. Read more about the fhir.js integration here. String|null

The selected patient ID or null if patient is not available. If no patient is selected, it will generate useful debug messages about the possible reasons. See debugging. Promise<Object>

Fetches the selected patient resource (if available). Resolves with the patient or rejects with an error.

client.patient.request(requestOptions, fhirOptions) Promise<Object>

Wrapper for client.request that will automatically add a search parameter to the requested URL to filter the requested resources to those related to the current patient. For example:

client.patient.request("Observation"); // -> /Observation?patient=patient-id
client.patient.request("Group");       // -> /Group?member=patient-id

client.patient.api Object

Only accessible if fhir.js is available. Read more about the fhir.js integration here. string|null

The selected encounter ID or null if encounter is not available. If no encounter is selected, it will generate useful debug messages about the possible reasons. See debugging. Promise<object>

Fetches the selected encounter resource (if available). Resolves with the encounter or rejects with an error. string

The selected user ID or null if user is not available. If no user is selected, it will generate useful debug messages about the possible reasons. See debugging.

client.user.fhirUser string

The selected user identifier that looks like Practitioner/id or null if user is not available. If no user is selected, it will generate useful debug messages about the possible reasons. See debugging.

client.user.resourceType string

The selected user resourceType (E.g. Practitioner, Patient, RelatedPerson…) or null if user is not available. If no user is selected, it will generate useful debug messages about the possible reasons. See debugging. Promise<object>

Fetches the selected user resource (if available). Resolves with the user or rejects with an error.

client.getFhirVersion() Promise<string>

Returns a promise that will be resolved with the FHIR version as defined in the conformance statement of the server.

client.getFhirRelease() Promise<number>

Returns a promise that will be resolved with the numeric FHIR version:

client.getState(path=””): any

When called without an argument returns a copy of the client state. Accepts a dot-separated path argument (same as for getPath) to allow for selecting specific state properties. Note that this is the preferred way to read the state because client.state.tokenResponse.patient will throw an error if client.state.tokenResponse is undefined, while client.getState("tokenResponse.patient") will ignore that and just return undefined.


client.getState(); // -> the entire state object
client.getState("serverUrl"); // -> the URL we are connected to
client.getState("tokenResponse.patient"); // -> The selected patient ID (if any)

Finally, there are some utility methods, mostly inherited by older versions of the library:

client.byCode(observations, property) Object

Groups the observations by code. Returns a map that will look like:

const map = client.byCodes(observations, "code");
// map = {
//     "55284-4": [ observation1, observation2 ],
//     "6082-2": [ observation3 ]
// }

client.byCodes(observations, property) Function

Similar to byCode but builds the map internally and returns a filter function that will produce flat arrays. For example:

const filter = client.byCodes(observations, "category");
filter("laboratory") // => [ observation1, observation2 ]
filter("vital-signs") // => [ observation3 ]
filter("laboratory", "vital-signs") // => [ observation1, observation2, observation3 ]{ code, value }) Number

Converts the value to code, where code can be cm, m, in, [in_us], [in_i], ft, [ft_us]{ code, value }) Number

Converts the value to code, where code can be kg, g, string containing lb, string containing oz.

client.units.any({ code, value }) Number

Just asserts that value is a number and then returns that value

client.getPath(object, path) any

Given an object (or array), tries to walk down to the given dot-separated path and returns the value. It will return undefined if the path cannot find any property. It will NOT throw if an intermediate property does not exist. The path is dot-separated even for arrays! Examples:

const data = { a: { b: "x" }, c: [ 2, { x: 5}, [1,2,3] ]};
client.getPath(data, "") // => data
client.getPath(data, "a") // => { b: "x" }
client.getPath(data, "a.b") // => "x"
client.getPath(data, "c.1.x") // => 5
client.getPath(data, "c.2.1") // => 2
client.getPath(data, "a.b.c.d.e") // => undefined

Aborting Requests

It is possible to abort HTTP requests since version 2.2.0. The implementation is based on the standard AbortController approach. You need to create an instance of AbortController and pass it’s AbortSignal as request option as shown below.

Note that client.request is a powerful method that might start other requests depending on the passed options (to fetch references or additional pages). If a client.request task is aborted, that will propagate and cancel any sub-requests that are being executed at that point.

When used as library

When the bundle is included via script tag in a web page, the AbortController class will be globally available (we include a polyfill). Then an abort-able request could look like this:

const client = new FHIR.client("");
const abortController = new AbortController();
const signal = abortController.signal;

// Any of these should work
client.request({ url: "Patient", signal });
client.create(resource, { signal });
client.update(resource, { signal });
client.delete("Patient/123", { signal });{ signal });
client.patient.request({ signal, url: "Immunization" });{ signal });{ signal });
client.refresh({ signal });

// Later...

When used as module

If the library is used as module (with a bundler or in NodeJS), the usage is the same, except that the global scope is not polyfilled. You can include your own polyfill for AbortController. However, we are already using AbortController internally and made it accessible via the entry point:

import FHIR, { AbortController } from "fhirclient"

const client = new FHIR.client("");
const abortController = new AbortController();

    url: "Patient",
    signal: abortController.signal
}).then(console.log, console.error);

// Later...